General Organic Garden Fertilizers
* All around balanced fertilizer
* Traditional and advanced organic materials
* Fish Blood and Bone, Supagro... find out what's in the stuff
Fish, Blood and Bone is a useful all around fertilizer that's popular among all gardeners. Your flowers, fruit and seedling transplants all benefit and it's now joined in U.K. by Supagro an exciting new organic fertilizer. You can mix these into composts and use in containers.
And of course traditional fish blood and bone is organic - some brands however, are semi-organic (
more on this below).
Because of its relatively higher proportion of potassium compared to chicken manure, it is my preferred option to use with flowers, fruit and seed plants. And in most gardens you will only
grow the best by feeding your plants.
A light dusting mixed into seed compost will make your tomatoes, cucumbers, melons and sweet peppers into robust healthy plants with deep green leaves. It may also bring forward flowering,
Before sowing flower or vegetable seeds rake it into the seed beds,
When transplanting hungry plants like cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, work it in around the planting holes,
Use later as a top dressing 6 to 10 weeks after planting out. Work into surface lightly with a rake and if dry water the fertilizer in,
Fish, Blood and Bone can be used before planting fruit bushes of all kinds.
Sometimes it's called Blood, Fish and Bone - the chemical analysis is around N:P:K: 5-7 : 5-7 : 5-7.
See below for quantities to use...
Blood meal provides nitrogen and doesn't take long to break down. Fish meal provides nitrogen and phosphorus and potassium; and Bone meal provides mainly phosphorus with some nitrogen and calcium.
Nowadays some manufacturers may include other things as well - see below.
- New organic blend SupaGro!!
Organic gardeners will love
Vitax Supagro
- N:P:K 4 : 4 : 4
Contains about 20% of the neutralising value of garden lime. Helps condition soil and will replace liming in most gardens. Calcium content also improves nitrogen uptake.
Environmentally friendly manufacture:
Made from food waste
A low energy process, uses energy from extracted bio-diesel, and recycled chemical and bio-generated heat,
Doesn't rely on imported bulky minerals,
Everything an organic gardener needs -
Vitax Supagro

a synergistic wholly organic general fertilizer that helps maintain soil condition.
Before planting or sowing flowers or vegetables, sowing new lawns or laying turf - use 140grams per sqM (4oz per sqYd).
Top dressing 70 grams per sqM (2oz per sqYd). Use 200 grams per sqM (6oz per SqYd) for planting potatoes plus top dressing.
Vitax Supagro
Use These Quantities
Before sowing seed work in 140 grams (~4 handfuls) per square metre (4oz/SqYd),
As a top dressing work in 70 grams (~2 handfuls) per square metre (2oz/SqYd) and repeat every 6 weeks.
Fish Blood and Bone here.
Supplemented Semi-Organic Fertilizer
Inspectors and regulating authorities are persuaded to various degrees as to the necessity of chemical or mineral amendments in 'organic fertilizers'. This underlines the importance of nutrients like potassium for farmers who treat the earth like a factory conveyor belt.
Popular U.K. brands of Fish, Blood and Bone are sometimes supplemented with chemical fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate and potassium chloride (as well as rock phosphate which is considered to be natural and organic). But the first two amendments are something of a travesty for organic gardeners.
Soluble potassium salts could degrade the quality of an organic soil by affecting micro-organisms. Application to sandy soils (low clay content) may not guarantee nutrient adsorption and so increase pollution and waste.
Traditional and New Organic Fertilizer Blends For Gardeners
The traditional Fish Blood and Bone is good. But you can add to that some of the newer
all organic blends available nowadays.
- New organic blend SupaGro!!
Organic gardeners will love
Vitax Supagro
- N:P:K 4 : 4 : 4
Contains about 20% of the neutralising value of garden lime. Helps condition soil and will replace liming in most gardens. Calcium content also improves nitrogen uptake.
Environmentally friendly manufacture:
Made from food waste
A low energy process, uses energy from extracted biodiesel, and recycled chemical and bio-generated heat,
Doesn't rely on imported bulky minerals,
Everything an organic gardener needs -
Vitax Supagro

a synergistic wholly organic general fertilizer that helps maintain soil condition.
Before planting or sowing flowers or vegetables, sowing new lawns or laying turf - use 140grams per sqM (4oz per sqYd).
Top dressing 70 grams per sqM (2oz per sqYd). Use 200 grams per sqM (6oz per SqYd) for planting potatoes plus top dressing.
Vitax Supagro
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My Neighbour's Garden
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