Lawn Mowers To Suit Your Garden
* Gardener meets grass with machine,
* The design features of lawn mowers,
* Discover which machines are suited to your particular job.
I made a very early start with cutting the grass as you can see. The precision of those early reel mowers is still to be admired. Yet, there are now several new breeds of machine to help tackle your lawns. The question is:- what is the best mowing machine for your lawn's condition?
Below I examine how the available types of lawn mower suit your particular mowing job along with their innovations and my recommendations.
What kind of lawn maintenance do you do?
Fine lawns - rough grass - sloping lawns - uneven grass - curved edges - organic lawns - flowering lawns - path lawns - play lawns...
just some of the lawns that gardeners have to mow. And in every example there are particular grass cutting methods and types of equipment for the easiest >>
Below you can match your type of lawn to a suitable lawn mowing machine. And for each type
are described.
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